Courses offered by Expanded Duties LLC

Expanded Duties Dental Assistant Certification Courses.Multiple courses are offered depending on the needs of the assistant and the dental practice.  Below are current courses offered. Others will be added as needed.  According to the Rules of the Georgia Board of Dentistry, all courses must be four (4) hours minimum length. 

Courses offered by Expanded Duties LLC

Expanded Duties Dental Assistant Certification Courses.Multiple courses are offered depending on the needs of the assistant and the dental practice.  Below are current courses offered. Others will be added as needed.  According to the Rules of the Georgia Board of Dentistry, all courses must be four (4) hours minimum length. 


In many practices today, the hygienist works with an assistant.  From taking vital signs to monitoring nitrous oxide analgesia to placing sealants, thi course contains the expanded duties needed by a hygiene assistant. Visit Course Details


For the dental practice that wants new patients scanned for possible orthodontic treatment, this course contains the duties of the EDDA – Hygiene as well as Scanning for Orthodontic Appliances and Models. Visit Course Details


During the 32 years that Dr Hair taught the original certification courses, there were many assistants who only needed or wanted the duties for crown and bridge procedures.  This is a Bare-Bones course that provides the minimum duties to assist with crown and bridge procedures. Visit Course Details

This certification can be advanced to EDDA-GP+Scanning through an Expanding Duties™ course below.


The Expanded Duties Dental Assistant who works with a general dentist needs to be able to perform many expanded duties.  The most common for GP assistants are here.  Visit Course Details


The GP dentist providing orthodontic care to his/her patients needs an EDDA who can also scan for orthodontic appliances and models.  This course contains all the duties of the EDDA – GP as well as Scanning for Orthodontic Appliances and Models.   Visit Course Details


For the assistant in an Orthodontic practice or the EDDA who needs to add Scanning for Orthodontic Appliances and Models, this course contains the duties needed. Visit Course Details

Expanding Duties™

Expanding Duties™ allow us a way to promote a hygiene assistant to a GP Chairside.  These courses expand the knowledge base of the assistant and allow that assistant to perform at the level of EDDA-GP or EDDA-GP+OrthoScanning.  There is also a course that will expand the knowledge base of the EDDA-GP-Lite assistant to the level of EDDA-GP+.     Visit Expanding Duties™